Stitch Painter Testimonials

Stitch Painter Testimonials – Cochenille Clients

Linda Hurt-Alexandria, VA

I’m overweight, and I gained weight rapidly due to a medication. I found myself in a situation where standard size patterns did not fit, and there were no knitting or crochet patterns out there for me. My plan was to create them for myself.

Someone showed me the software and how it worked. I created a sample pattern; it seemed doable; and I bought my own copy. I like doing Scandinavian patterns and Stitch Painter fit the bill.

I like the add on packages for different sleeves and pieces. It’s easy to install and use. I also got a free module at a show. Nice. Thank you. I also like that they work as standalone.
It’s easy to use and less expensive than competitor’s. It’s versatile in that it supports cross stitch, knitting, sewing, beading. I also like the workshops you’ve been sponsoring on line lately. Unfortunately, they’re at bad times for me. I’d like to see them on CD or available on line at the user’s time choice. I understand this is in the pipeline. Tutorials on line give you a good taste of the program.

Tony Locane

I am a Stitch Painter user. I am an artist, creating my digital woven art first by starting with digital photos that are over painted and drawn upon in the computer and then layered and blended into one or more images. Those images are then printed on aluminum and/or paper, cut into strips and finally woven on tapestry looms warped with either monofilament or wire.

I needed software that easily reduced the number of colors in a photo. I tried many different software packages and Stitch Painter won out. It most easily allows me to create the effects I seek without distortion of color or form. Stitch Painter has become one of the major steps in the design and production of my art. It’s easy to use and is consistent in its output.

It has worked so successfully for me that I plan on using Stitch Painter to assist in the design of more traditional tapestry weaving with traditional yarns, much like a bead weaver uses it to create a cartoon for a woven bead tapestry.

If someone was on the fence about purchasing Stitch Painter, I would encourage them to demo it and other similar software packages as I did and compare the results. Like me, I believe they would conclude that Stitch Painter is superior in its design, simplicity and output.

Email Tony at or visit his website at