Pledging to be more Sustainable with your Fashion Purchases and Creative Projects

Fashion and Sustainability A few years ago, I gave a TedTalkX at San Diego Mesa College where I am a Professor of Fashion. I had no idea what I was getting into when I offered to do it. But I...Read More

Mixed Media Garment with Handwoven Cloth

Currently at Cochenille, we have challenged our users to create a mixed media garment which involves some combination of fabric/yarn/embellishment, etc. So, I am going to share the design process for a garment that suits this type of challenge.  Hopefully...Read More

Non-Traditional Pattern Making for a Lending Library

Garment Designer pattern making software has lots of applications beyond the typical sewn and knit garment it was designed for. Recently, we decided to test its abilities with the creation of a pattern for a little free Lending Library to...Read More